Here is a list my publications as well as other contributions such as some talks and posters. Note that, in mathematics, authors are ordered alphabetically.
A. Bordignon, E. Cancès, G. Dusson, G. Kemlin, R.A. Lainez Reyes, B. Stamm. Fully guaranteed and computable error bounds on the energy for periodic Kohn-Sham equations with convex density functionals. pdf.
T. Carvalho Corso, G. Kemlin, C. Melcher and B. Stamm. Numerical simulation of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation via vortex tracking. pdf
E. Cancès, G. Kemlin, and A. Levitt. A priori error analysis of linear and nonlinear periodic Schrodinger equations with analytic potentials. Journal of Scientific Computing, 98(1):25, 2024. doi - pdf
E. Cancès, M. F. Herbst, G. Kemlin, A. Levitt, and B. Stamm. Numerical stability and efficiency of response property calculations in density functional theory. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 113(1):21, 2023. doi - pdf
E. Cancès, G. Dusson, G. Kemlin, and A. Levitt. Practical error bounds for properties in plane-wave electronic structure calculations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 44(5):B1312-B1340, 2022. doi - pdf
E. Cancès, G. Kemlin, and A. Levitt. Convergence analysis of direct minimization and self-consistent iterations. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 42(1):243-274, 2021. doi - pdf
J. G. Caldas Steinstraesser, G. Kemlin, and A. Rousseau. A domain decomposition method for linearized Boussinesq-type equations. Journal of Mathematical Study, 52(3):320-340, 2019. doi - pdf
E. Cancès, G. Dusson, G. Kemlin, and L. Vidal. On basis set optimisation in quantum chemistry. ESAIM: ProcS, 73:107-129, 2023. doi - pdf
Here are a few relevant talks at conferences and seminars that can complement papers.
2024, Julia workshop, CECAM, EPFL, Switzerland. slides – Pluto notebook
2024, EMC2@Roscoff'24, Roscoff, France. slides
2024, Séminaire Analyse Numérique du LMB, Besançon, France. slides
2023, GAMM jahrestagung, Dresden, Germany. slides
2022, GAMM jahrestagung, Aachen, Germany. slides
2020, EMC2 seminar, LJLL, Paris, France. slides
2024, CECAM Julia Workshop, CECAM, EPFL, Switzerland. poster
2023, SFB S^3 Spring School, Kloster Steinfeld, Germany. poster
2020, GDR NBODY meeting, Lille, France. poster
CC BY-SA 4.0 Gaspard Kemlin. Last modified: February 10, 2025.
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